My step son, Jason, is here this week b/c he wasn't able to visit over the Christmas holiday. We have had a great week. Jason is 17 and lives in Oregon so we don't get to see him near as much as we would like. I took off yesterday to spend with him. James took off today, and we both took off tomorrow since it is his last day here. I think the part of his visit that he is enjoying the most is the beautiful weather (as opposed to the weather in Oregon!)
Today is also my son Jeffery's birthday! He is 19. Wow, I cannot believe I have a 19 year old! I am so grateful that they are both happy and healthy boys and that they are such good boys too. We really have been blessed.
For those of you with youngsters, I know you hear this all the time. I did too and I thought I understood it at the time but I realize now that they are grown that I didn't pay
enough attention to the lesson. SPEND TIME with your kids. Spending money on them isn't what is important. Spending time worrying about their homework or how many activities they are involved in isn't important. Just spending YOUR time with them is SO important. They will not forget it. And I don't mean just being in the same room reading your book while they are playing. I mean you spending your time doing what THEY want to do. It can be really hard with our schedules these days. But the relationship you will grow with your kids will be priceless. The same is true for grandparents. There are grandparents that just spend money on their grandchildren. Then there are the other grandparents who may not have anything to give but their time. Trust me, they will be the favorites, hands down.